Fiberglass Rebar (GFRP)
According to design solutions composite rebars ALB-REBAR shall be used in the following areas:
Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providen

Railway construction
- Elements of railway sleepers for high-speed trains and underground railroads.

Residential construction and civil engineering
- Construction foundations;
- Repair & reinforcement of bearing capacity in brick and reinforcement concrete structures
Highway construction
- Reinforcement of roadbed
- Road, airfield & gray portlandcement slabs
Industrial engineering
- Reinforcement of concert tanks, storages of treatment facilities, sewage well’s covers
- Elements of chemical manufacturing facilities
- Reinforcement of concrete floor
- Water development facilities
Bridge building & reconstruction
- Bridge deck slabs
- Bridge enclosures
- Footways
- Reinforcement of onshore facilities
Application of composite rebars ALB-REBAR increases construction’s life time and time between repairs by means of:
- Excellent corrosion resistance in acid, alkali and other aggressive environment
- High tensile strength; 2 times higher compared to steel 1100-1300 MPa.
- Low weight; ¼ the weight of an equivalent size steel bar (savings on transportation).
- Durability
- No electrical conductivity
- Anti-magnetic
- Eco-friendliness and fire safet.